UPDATED: OVER 100 Citations!!!! Thanks to everyone who sent us updates!
We are collecting citations of: D. S. Hutchinson and M. R. Johnson, Authenticating Aristotle's Protrepticus, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 29(2005), 193-294. Please let us know if you know of any others so that we can add them to our bibliography.
1. Minca, B. and C. Partenie. Aristotel: Protrepticul. (Bucharest 2005), p. 17-18.
2. Bussanich, J. New Editions of Iamblichus: A Review Essay. Ancient Philosophy 25 (2005), 478-494.
3. Flashar, H. Aristoteles: Fragmente zu Philosophie, Rhetorik, Poetik, Dictung (Darmstadt 2006).
4. Bronstein, D. Review of A. P. Bos, The Soul and its Instrumental Body: a Reinterpretation of Aristotle's Philosophy of Living Nature (Leiden 2003), Ancient Philosophy 26 (2006), 422-427 at 427.
5. Bobonich, C. Aristotle’s ethical treatises. The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics (ed. R. Kraut), 12-36 (Oxford, 2006).
6. Blank, D. Aristotle’s Academic Course on Rhetoric and the end of Philodemus, On Rhetoric VIII. Cronache Ercolanesi 37 (2007), 5-48.
7. Bobonich, C. Why should philosophers rule? Plato’s Republic and Aristotle’s Protrepticus. Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (2007), 153-175.
8. Diamond, E. C. Divine thinking as the paradigm of life in Aristotle's “De Anima”. Northwestern University Ph.D. Diss., 2007.
9. Hare, J. God and Morality: a philosophical history (Malden, MA and Oxford 2007).
10. Ranocchia, G. Aristone, Sul modo di liberare dalla superbia nel decimo libro De vitiis di Filodemo (Olschki, 2007).
11. Walker, M. Living by contemplation: Theoria, self-maintenance, and flourishing in Aristotle's ethics. Yale Ph.D. dissertation, 2008.
12. Van Kooten, G. H. Paul's Anthropology in Context: the image of God, assimilation to God, and Tripartite Man in Ancient Judaism, Ancient Philosophy, and Early Christianity, p.137 (Tübingen 2008).
13. Ratte, C. La loi dans l'anonyme de Jamblique. Camenulae 2 (2008). Available here.
14. Himanka, J. et al. On filosofoitava: Jälkipuhe Aristoteleeseen. Niin & Näin 4 (2008), 52-53 at 53. Available here.
15. Wolfsdorf, D. Epicurus on euphrosune and energeia (DL 10.136). Apeiron 42 (2009), 222-257.
16. Tuominen, M. The Ancient Commentators on Plato and Aristotle (California 2009).
17. Graham, D. (ed., trans. and comm.) The Texts of Early Greek Philosophy: Fragments and Selected Testimonies of the Major Presocratics, Part I (Cambridge 2010), at p. 876.
18. Walker, M. The utility of contemplation in Aristotle’s Protrepticus. Ancient Philosophy 30 (2010), 135-153.
19. McBryde, D. I. The Foundations of Aristotle’s Ethics. Newcastle, Australia, Ph.d. diss., 2010.
20. Tarrant, H. ‘A Taste of the Doctrines of each group of Sages’: Plato’s Midwifery at work in the Academy. Plato’s Philebus: selected papers from the eight symnposium platonicum, edited by J. Dillon and L. Brisson (Sankt Agustin, 2010), 110-119 at 116n20.
21. Castagnoli, L. Ancient Self-Refutation (Cambridge 2010), p. 187n1.
22. Brüllmann, P. Protreptikos. Aristoteles-Handbuch, ed. C. Rapp and K. Corcelius (Stuttgart, 2011), 160-166 at 165-166.
23. Long, A. A. Aristotle on eudaimonia, nous, and divinity. In J. Miller (ed.), Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: a critical guide. (Cambridge 2011), p.102n24.
24. Van der Meeren, S. Aristote Exhortation à la Philosophie: Le dossier Grec (Paris, 2011).
25. 廣川洋一(2011年)『アリストテレス「哲学のすすめ」』講談社学術文庫。
26. Lundberg, C. O. Lacan in Public: psychoanalysis and the science of rhetoric, p.185-186 (Tuscaloosa 2012).
27. Pakaluk, M. Aristotle on Human Rights. Ave Maria Law Review 10 (2012), 379-388 at 388n45.
28. Feke, J. Ptolemy's defense of theoretical philosophy. Apeiron 45 (2012), 61-90 at n.9.
29. Cambiano, G. The desire to know: Metaphysics A 1. Aristotle's Metaphysics Alpha: Symposium Aristotelicum (ed. C. Steel), 1-42 at 40 and n.77 (Oxford 2012).
30. Betegh, G. 'The Next Principle' Metaphysics A 3-4, 984b8-985b22. Aristotle’s Metaphysics Alpha:
Symposium Aristotelicum (ed. C. Steel), 105-140 at 117 (Oxford 2012).
31. Shields, C. Aristotle's Philosophical Life and Writings. The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle (ed. C. Shields), 3-16 at 15n27 (Oxford 2012).
32. Menn, S. Aristotle's Theology. The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle (ed. C. Shields), 422-464 at 453n8 (Oxford 2012).
33. Lacore, M. L'Anonyme: un palimpseste démocritéen dans le Protreptique de Jamblique? Kentron 28 (2012), 131-158 at 139 and n26.
34. Wareh, T. The Theory and Practice of Life: Isocrates and the Philosophers (Cambridge, MA 2012), cf. p35, 41, 44, 49.
35. Tsouni, G. Antiochus on Contemplation and the Happy Life. The Philosophy of Antiochus (ed. D. Sedley), 131-150 at 138n33 (Cambridge 2012).
36. Castagnoli, L. Self-refutation and dialectic in Plato and Aristotle. Development of Dialectic from Plato to Aristotle (ed. J. Leth), 27-61 at p. 51 (Cambridge 2012).
37. Wolfsdorf, D. Pleasure in Ancient Greek Philosophy, p.283 (Cambridge 2012).
38. Benakēs, L. G. Iamblichou: Protreptikos epi philosophian : hopou kai ho Protreptikos tou Aristotelous, ta Pythagorika symvolika parangelmata kai ho Anonymos sophistēs tou 5ou aiōnos (Athens, 2012), p.14, 20, 35.
39. Nielsen, K. M. Ancient Ethics. International Encyclopedia of Ethics (ed. H. LaFollette), p. 245-257 at 251. (Oxford, Blackwell 2013).
40. Horky, P. S. Plato and Pythagoreanism (Oxford 2013) at pp.52-53.
41. Edmonds, R. G. Redefining Ancient Orphism: a study in Greek religion (Cambridge 2013).
42. Murphy, D. J. Isocrates and Dialogue. Classical World 106 (2013), 311-353.
43. Heath, M. Ancient Philosophical Poetics, p.97 (Cambridge 2013).
44. Heath, M. Aristotle on the Value of Tragedy. British Journal of Aesthetics 54 (2014), 111-123 at 115.
45. Hutchinson, D.S. and M. R. Johnson, Protreptic Aspects of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, in R. Polansky (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, pp. 383-409 (Cambridge 2014).
46. Roche, T. D. The Private Moral Life of Aristotle’s Philosopher: A Defense of a Non-Intellectualist Interpretation of Nicomachean Ethics 10.7-8. Theoria: Studies on the Status and Meaning of Contemplation in Aristotle’s Ethics, ed. P. Destrée and M. Zingano. Louvain-la-neuve, 2014, 207-240.
47. Warren, J. The Pleasures of Reason in Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic Hedonists (Cambridge 2014), p.65.
48. De Castro Caeiro, A. (ed. and tr.). Aristóteles: fragmentos dos diálogos e obras exortativas tradução e textos; introdutórios antónio de castro caeiro; revisão científica antónio pedro mesquita; notas antónio de castro caeiro, antónio pedro mesquita (Centro de filosofia da universidade de lisboa imprensa nacional - casa da moeda Lisboa, 2014), p.101n.13.
49. Baker, S. H. The concept of ergon: towards an achievement interpretation of Aristotle's 'function argument'. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 48 (2015), 227-266 at n.22.
50. Collins, J. H. Exhortations to Philosophy: the protreptics of Plato, Isocrates, and Aristotle (Oxford 2015).
51. Diamond, E. Mortal Imitations of the Divine Life (Northwestern University Press 2015).
52. Jażdżewska, K. Dio Chrysostom’s Charidemus and Aristotle’s Eudemus. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 55 (2015), 679-687 at n.18.
53. Johnson, M. R. Luck in Aristotle's Physics and Ethics. Bridging the Gap between Aristotle's Science and Ethics, ed. D. Henry & K. M. Nielsen (Cambridge 2015), 254-275.
54. Johnson, M. R. Aristotle's Architectonic Sciences. Theory and Practice in Aristotle's Natural Science, ed. D. Ebrey (Cambridge 2015), 163-186.
55. Leunissen, M. Perfection and the physiology of habituation. Aristotle's Physics: a critical guide, ed. M. Leunissen (Cambridge 2015), 225-244 at n.22.
56. Mihai, C.-I. Protreptic Discourse and Way of Life. Ancient Philosophy: Classical sources and Christian receptions. (University of Iași Ph.D. Thesis 2015). Available here.
57. Renaud, F. and H. Tarrant, The Platonic Alcibiades I: the dialogue and its ancient reception (Cambridge 2015), p.94.
58. Walker, M. Confucian Worries about the Aristotelian Sophos. Moral and Intellectual Virtues in Western and Chinese Philosophy: The Turn Toward Virtue, ed. Mi Chienkuo, Michael Slote, and Ernest Sosa (New York 2015), 196-213.
59. Jażdżewska, K. Dio Chrysostom’s Charidemus and Aristotle’s Eudemus. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 55 (2015) 679–687 at 684n18.
60. Miroshnikov, I. The Gospel of Thomas and Plato: A Study of the Impact of Platonism on the Fifth Gospel. (Helsinki Ph.D. Diss., 2016).
61. Megino Rodriguez, C. Topics of Aristotle’s Protrepticus in Augustine of Hippo, the transmission of Cicero, and the context of their use. Traditio 71 (2016), 1-31.
62. Velázquez, M. S. La vida buena como vida intelectual: el aristotelismo Maquintareano. Horizontes y Raíces 4 (2016).
63. Mihai, C.-I. Competing Arts: Medicine and Philosophy in Aristotle's Protrepticus. Hermeneia (2016), 87-96.
64. Gottlieb, P. and E. Sober. Aristotle on ‘Nature does nothing in vain’. HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 7 (2017).
65. 近藤智彦 (Tomohiko KONDO, 2017)「活動としてのテオーリアー −アリストテレスからキケロへ−、『ギリシア哲学セミナー論集』Vol. XIV.
66. Komurcuoglu, Ş. İlkçağ Yunan Felsefesinde Tanrıya Benzeme Düşüncesi (Sakarya University Ph.D. Diss. 2017).
67. Vogt, K. M. Desiring the Good: Ancient Proposals and Contemporary Theory (Oxford University
Press 2017), 135n64.
68. Leunissen, M. Biology and teleology in Aristotle's account of the city. Teleology in the Ancient World: philosophical medical approaches, ed. J. Rocca (Cambridge, 2017), 116.
69. Leunissen, M. From Natural Character to Moral Virtue in Aristotle (Oxford, 2017).
70. de Silveira, A. Eudaimonia, sophia e theoretike energeia: uma análise da contemplação na Ética Nicomaqueia de Aristóteles (Porto Alegre dissertation, 2017).
71. Johnson, M. R. Aristotle on the meaning of life. The Meaning of Life and the Great Philosophers, ed. S. Leach and J. Tartagalia, 56-64. London and New York, 2018.
72. Cohoe, C. Why the view of intellect in De Anima I 4 is not Aristotle’s own. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 26 (2018), 241-254 at 243-245.
73. Bos, A. P. Aristotle on God’s Life-generating Power and on Pneuma as its Vehicle (Albany, 2018), 156.
74. Walker, M. Aristotle on the Uses of Contemplation (Cambridge 2018).
75. Rovelli, C. Physics needs philosophy. Philosophy needs physics. Foundations of Physics (New York, 2018).
76. Boyle, M. Cultural Anatomies of the Heart in Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, and Harvey (New York and London,, 2018), p. 4 and n. 40; p. 15 and n. 163.
77. 内山勝利他(編)『著作断片集2(新版アリストテレス全集 第20巻)』岩波書店、2018年。
78. Walker, M. The Appeal to Easiness in Aristotle’s Protrepticus. Ancient Philosophy (2019).
79. Bishop, C. Cicero, Greek Learning, and the Making of a Roman Classic (Oxford, 2019), p.142, 321.
80. Berryman, S. Aristotle on the Sources of the Ethical Life (Oxford, 2019).
81. Moore, C. Aristotle on Philosophia. Metaphilosophy 50 (2019), 339-360.
82. Moore, C. Socrates in Aristotle’s History of Philosophy. Brill’s Companion to the History of Philosophy, edited by C. Moore, 173-210.
83. Ishino, K., An Examination of Ch. X of Aristotle's Protrepticus, The Japanese Journal of Political Thought (19), 2019, pp.153-177.
84. Perčulija, F. Pojam teoretskog života u Aristotelovom Nagovoru na filozofiju. Zagreb Diss., 2019.
85. Jasso, J. J. Isocrates' Panphilosophicus: Reading the Panathenaicus as a Rapprochement with Academic Philosophy. Advances in the History of Rhetoric 22 (2019), 27-50.
86. Johnson, M. R. Aristotle on Kosmos and Kosmoi. Cosmos in the Ancient World, edited by P. H. Horky (Cambridge, 2019), 74-107.
87. Gooding, N. P. The Social Achievement of Self-Understanding: Aristotle on Loving Oneself and Others. (Berkeley Ph.D. Diss., 2019).
88. Güremen, R. Philosophy as Art in Aristotle’s Protrepticus. Metaphilosophy 51 (2020), 571-592.
89. Horky, P. S. Anonymous Iamblichi, On Excellence. Early Greek Ethics, edited by D. Wolfsdorf (Oxford, 2020), 262-292.
90. Walker, M. D. Aristotle, Isocrates, and Philosophical Progress: Protrepticus 6:40.15-20 / B55. History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis 23 (2020), 197-224.
91. Walker, M. D. Aristotle’s Eudemus and Dialogue Form. Journal of History of Philosophy (2020).
92. Cline, B. Petition and Performance in Ancient Rome: The Apologies of Justin Martyr, 2021.
93. Kontos, P. Aristotle on the Scope of Practical Reason: Spectators, Legislators, Hopes, and Evils. Kontos, P. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
94. SØRENSEN, A. D. On the Political Outlook of the ‘Anonymous Iamblichi’ (Diels-Kranz 89). The Classical Quarterly (2021) 1–13
95. Sorabji, R. (editor). Iamblichus: On the General Science of Mathematics. Translated by J. O. Urmson and J. Dillon. London, 2020.
96. Ward, J. K. Searching for the Divine in Plato and Aristotle. Cambridge, 2022.
97. de Liege, T. F. The Role of Production in Human Flourishing. UC Riverside Ph.D. Diss., 2021.
98. Guardila-Rivera, O. The Archive is Also a Place of Dreams: On Creolization as Method. Philosophy and Global affairs 2021. doi: 10.5840/pga202192117
99. Jirsa, J. The Concept of horos between Aristotle’s Two Ethics. Listy Filologicke 2021, Vol. 144 Issue 1/2, 7-41.
100. Brüllmann, P. Protreptikos. Aristoteles-Handbuch Leben – Werk – Wirkung. 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage, ed. C. Rapp and K. Corcilius, 174-179 (Berlin, 2021).
101. Tremblay M. (2022) Athletic imagery as an educational tool in Epictetus. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 49:1, 68-82, DOI: 10.1080/00948705.2021.1969656
102. Heimann, R. (2022). Metanoia in the Sermon on the Mount – A Philosophical Approach. In Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions. Leiden, 2022, 272-314.
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