Monday, March 12, 2018

Conference on Protreptic Rhetoric in Aristotle and the Peripatos

Protreptic Rhetoric in Aristotle and the Peripatos

Friday, March 16, 2018
UCSD Philosophy Department Seminar Room (HSS 7077—floor 7)

11am:              Welcome: Monte Johnson (UCSD)

11:15-1pm:     “Modes of Argument in Aristotle: Prolegomenon to the Study of his Protreptic”
Robert Bolton (Rutgers)
                                    Moderator: Samuel Rickless (UCSD)

1-2pm:            Boxed lunch in the Philosophy Department Lounge

2-3:45pm:       “Protreptic and Dialectic”
                                    Katerina Ierodiakonou (Geneva / Athens)
Moderator: Clinton Tolley (UCSD)  

3:45-4pm:       Refreshments in the Philosophy Department lounge

4-5:45pm:        “Toward a Model of Protreptic Speech: Aristotle’s Account in Rhetoric I.3-8”
Cristina Pepe (Campania)
Moderator: Ashley Attwood (Stanford)

6-7pm:            Peripatetic stroll around UCSD Campus

7pm:                Dinner, UCSD Faculty Club

Saturday, March 17, 2018
UCSD Philosophy Department Seminar Room

8am:                Coffee and breakfast pastries in the Philosophy Department lounge

9-10:45am:     “Protreptics and Celestial Theory”
István Bodnár (Central European University)
Moderator: Georgios Anagnostopoulos (UCSD)

10:45-11:15am: Refreshments in the Philosophy Department lounge

11:15am-1pm: “Aristotle's Protreptic Strategy in Protrepticus VI”
Ronja Hildebrandt (Humboldt)
Moderator: Blythe Greene (UCSD)

1-2pm:            Boxed lunch in the Philosophy Department lounge

2-3:45pm:       “The Value of the Theoretical Life in Politics VII and VIII”
Donald Morrison (Rice)
Moderator: Denise Demetriou (UCSD)

3:45-4pm:       Refreshments in the Philosophy Department lounge

4-5:45pm:       “The Good of a Protreptic”
Chris Bobonich (Stanford)
                        Moderator: Donald Rutherford (UCSD)

6-7pm:            Peripatetic stroll to the Cliffs

7:30pm:           Dinner at Estancia
Sunday, March 18, 2018
UCSD Philosophy Department seminar room

8am:                Coffee and breakfast pastries in the Philosophy Department lounge

9-10:45am:     “Laughter as a Protreptic Tool”
Pierre Destrée (Louvain la Nueve)
Moderator: Jamie Marvin (UCSD)

10:45-11am:   Refreshments in the Philosophy Department lounge

11-12:45pm:   “Theoretical and Practical lives: protreptic as a context for the debate”
Brad Inwood (Yale University)
Moderator: Edward Watts (UCSD)

12:45-1pm:     Farewell remarks: Monte Johnson (UCSD).

This conference has been made possible with support from: The UCSD Philosophy Department, The UCSD Program in Classical Studies, The UCSD Division of Arts and Humanities, and the UCSD Center for Hellenic Studies.

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